Fueling your business growth

We understand that every business has unique challenges and goals. That’s why we tailor our marketing strategies to your specific needs. As a leading digital marketing agency, we offer transparent and competitive pricing to achieve your goals. We know it’s important to understand the costs associated with our services, so we’ve provided clear pricing guidelines to help you make informed decisions. From small businesses to industry leaders, we have the right plan for you.


TKG’s monthly marketing services

Paid search advertising

  • Strategy  
  • Campaign launch & optimization  
  • Landing page development  
  • Bid management  
  • ROI tracking  
  • Lead generation, ecommerce, brand building


Search engine optimization

  • On-page optimization (tags, titles, etc.)  
  • Ongoing keyword research 
  • Quarterly technical audit & execution 
  • Inbound link development  
  • Internal linking structure  
  • Content optimization & addition  
  • Search engine ranking protection  

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Email marketing automation

  • Email platform guidance & set up  
  • Template design  
  • List management & integration  
  • Campaign strategy  
  • Content creation  
  • Performance reporting 


Content and copywriting

  • Content ideation  
  • Results-focused copywriting  
  • Blog & website articles  
  • Case studies  
  • lnfographics, white papers, eBooks 

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Web development

  • Website maintenance & updates 
  • UX enhancements 
  • Performance optimizations 
  • Security updates 
  • Feature development & integration 


Video production

  • Concept development & script writing 
  • Pre-production planning 
  • Equipment, location & talent coordination 
  • On-site filming 
  • Post-production editing 
  • Publishing & promotion 


Social media marketing

  • Account setup & optimization  
  • Editorial calendar creation  
  • Platform training & consulting  
  • Community management  
  • Campaign creation & execution  
  • Analytics & competitive insights 


Print and traditional

  • Market research & strategy development  
  • Design & layout creation  
  • Content creation & copywriting 
  • Printing & production management 
  • Distribution & placement 



All marketing packages include a monthly ROI review and adjustments, along with quarterly strategic planning sessions to ensure we’re always aligned with your goals.




Our Foundational Marketing Package is tailored for businesses looking to solidify their online presence. We’ll make sure your brand is visible and engaging to your target audience. 

  • Designed for small businesses and businesses with a modest marketing budget 
  • Focus: Establish a strong online presence 
  • 2 tactics, typically includes SEO, content creation or website updates 
  • Pricing starts at $4,000/month 

What is Lorem Ipsum?

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic

typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

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Our Competitive Marketing Package is ideal for businesses with an established online presence that are ready to reach and convert more leads into customers. We’ll execute strategies to keep you ahead of the competition. 

  • Designed for growing businesses 
  • Focus: Increase traffic & conversions 
  • 4 tactics, building on the foundational level and typically adds paid search advertising and social media marketing
  • Pricing starts at $6,500/month 
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Our Aggressive Marketing Package is for businesses ready to dominate their industry and establish themselves as leaders. We’ll implement solutions that maximize ROI and ensure sustained growth. 

  • Designed for industry leaders & large enterprises 
  • Focus: Market dominance & brand authority 
  • 6 tactics, building on the competitive level, typically adds email marketing automation and video production 
  • Pricing starts at $9,500/month 
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Ready to grow your business?

Whether your business is laying the groundwork or aiming to dominate, we have the perfect solution for you.