About TKG.
With more than 25 years of digital experience, TKG (The Karcher Group) has established a reputation for delivering proven results for clients across a variety of industries. Our team works closely with clients to understand their unique needs and challenges, creating tailored solutions to drive growth and success. From website design and development to SEO and digital advertising, TKG provides marketing, web and IT services to help businesses achieve their goals.
What Drives Us
TKG is a digital partner for market leaders. We focus on web, marketing and IT solutions to drive your business forward. As you can see from our logo, it’s not just about nice words or pretty visuals. We’re committed to supporting our partners with real, measurable results that lead to sales while providing meaningful lives for the people around us.
Our culture is driven by teamwork. How we work as a team is as important to us as what we work on for our clients. We put passion and heart into everything we do. If you feel the same, we’ll get along just fine. In the spirit of building true partnerships with our clients, our success is measured by the value we create.
To us, excellence means constantly honing our skills to be the best at what we do and lending the best of those skills to support our partners’ goals.
Integrity means more than just telling the truth. It means owning mistakes, putting forth an honest effort at all times and delivering as much value as possible for each other.
We hope to earn a seat at your strategy table by knowing your business much better than a vendor ever could. We thrive in building real relationships and creating long-term value.
Taking care of family and taking care of business go hand in hand. Lots of companies say it. We live it.
We believe in the communities we serve and give back to make them stronger through our work, services and financial resources.
We love what we do, and we work hard at it, while recognizing the value of fun. We invest in opportunities to have fun with both our team and our partners.
Want to know what truly sets us apart? These statements set the tone for what it's really like to work with us. They also align nicely with our core values.
It’s a partnership, not a project
Long-term collective value is key to sustainable relationships and communities.
An approach that’s clear and direct
In an industry fraught with jargon, we tell you how it is - plain and simple.
A fierce focus on integrity
Do the right thing, not the easy thing, because we all matter to someone.
Our creatives, coders, strategists and analysts collaborate daily because we do better together than we could on our own.
"We don’t care about being the biggest , but we do care about being the best. We want to be the digital agency that people know they can rely on to get what they need. When businesses are ready to do online marketing right, they come here."
This is where we create marketing magic. From North Canton, Ohio, we serve clients all over the country.